An Unlikely Witness: Joanna’s Story

Carole TowrissAncient Israel, Ordinary Women of the Bible, Writing Leave a Comment

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ALL JOANNA WANTED was a peaceful life at the palace. She wanted to bear children for her husband, Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, and bring honor to her family. Instead, Joanna became an eyewitness to the most transformative, shocking events in human history…events that would force her to choose between the life she once imagined, and a life she never could have dreamed of. When she faces the choice between maintaining the illusion of peace or following the Prince of Peace, Joanna finds herself at the crossroads of her heart.

Will she have the strength and courage to choose the right path?


Author Headshot

Ginger lives in Atlanta with her husband, three children, and two rescue dogs. She spends her time baking gluten-free goodness for her friends and family, and mentors middle school students who want to become working writers. Passionate about science, history, and women’s studies, Ginger loves exploring new ideas and old secrets. She especially loves good books read late at night.

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