F is for flowers. I like flowers. I don’t know much about them, can’t identify too many of them. Roses. Carnations. Sunflowers. That’s about it. But they make me happy. Sometimes I add the $4 bouquet of carnations to my cart the grocery store when I’m buying food. They last forever and they make my kitchen a brighter place.
I think John started it. He used to bring them home. Sometimes for me, on the expected days, sometimes for no reason at all. Maybe that’s why they make me happy.
F is also for a full moon. Just because they’re beautiful. [tweetthis]I really love a big, fat silver moon in a dark sky. Full moons on the beach are even better. [/tweetthis]
I put them in my books a lot. Of course, there are no streetlights in my books, so I need them. 😉 In my first book, about the Exodus, one of the plagues happened every time the moon was full. It became a warning to the people of Egypt. They cringed whenever the moon started getting bigger.
I bought a software program that lets you find out when the moon was full on which days in any given year in all of history! So cool! (Yes, I’m a nerd.) But I needed it to plot out the book. I first had to find a year when the moon was full on the day of Passover, worked backward from there, and then I had the days for each chapter. I love that kind of stuff.
I’m trying to avoid the obvious ones like fathers, family, faith, friends, but you can use them if you want. What is your favorite F?

Full Moon Rising over San Diego © Justin Brown — how gorgeous is that??
Comments 1
Fans. I love the drone of a good old Vornado…it reminds me of nap time when I was little, before we had central air conditioning and became so reliant on being cool!
I still have to have a ceiling fan going at bedtime now, because the air just seems stifling without a little movement. Luckily my husband feels the same way!