A well-known credit card company advertises its product with the tag-line “What’s in your wallet?” Today I’m asking, “What’s in your basket?” The banks of the Nile used to be lined with reeds, and papyrus marshes occupied large areas of the Delta in the north. The ancient Egyptians used these reeds to make paper, baskets, sandals, mats, rope, blankets, tables, …
Let Them Eat Cake!
When I was growing up, my favorite birthday cake was made by my grandmother. It had a Barbie doll in the middle, and the cake was shaped as her hoop-skirt dress. Once you’d enjoyed the cake, you had a new barbie to play with! Everybody loves cake, right? So who do we have to thank? Well, there’s some debate as …
Rich Romans, Rich Food
In my family, we typically celebrate birthdays by having dinner together. The birthday boy or girl chooses whether we eat out or at home, and what the menu will be. Centuries ago, the Romans enjoyed a good birthday dinner as well. Actually, Romans loved to eat, so it didn’t take much to get someone to host a party. One menu …