Thunder and Lightning

Carole TowrissThankful Alphabet Leave a Comment

I’ve already said I’m thankful for rain. What can make it better? Thunder! I love thunderstorms even more than rainstorms. The long, deep rumble, followed by the sudden roar loud enough to make you jump, and the sharp crack of lightning. A hard driving rain underneath it all.

Night sky with lightning(Does it say anything about me that I think crashing waves, rainstorms, and thunder and lightning best represent God to me? I think it does, but I’m not sure what…)

I’m not sure why I like them. Maybe I like the awe it inspires. Maybe I like the power it represents. Maybe I like being safe and warm inside while the storm rages.

I currently have on my computer 3 different hour-long tracks of thunderstorms, some backed my music that I listen to as I write. One is Into the Storm, the soundtrack from a movie about three tornadoes that collided. Awesome!

7020078_sT is also for tacos. Anyone who knows me will tell you I love tacos. Any Mexican food, really. Tacos are easy to make, can be made with almost anything, and if you’re missing an ingredient or two, or three, are most forgiving. They have all four food groups at once. They can be pretty healthy if you don’t fill them up with too much cheese and sour cream, which unfortunately I often do, and they can even be vegan. (Not that I would ever eat one…)

Tacos for me are comfort food. I grew up on them. I’m quite sure mine are not authentic Mexican cuisine, but they’re as close as I can get. They make me happy. They remind me of home. They are nearly perfect.

What’s your favorite T?

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