The last night of Jesus’ life he ate with his disciples. Judas left to betray him to the Jewish leaders, and then Jesus left to pray. Sometime after midnight, He was arrested. Between then and nine (the third hour) the next morning, when he was crucified, he was the defendant in six illegal trials.
- Before Annas, the former High Priest and father-in-law of Caiaphas. As former High Priest, Annas had no right to interrogate Him. He asked Jesus about his disciples and His teaching, and allowed an officer to strike Him. It was illegal to question someone in secret at night, to question someone without pressing charges, and illegal to strike a prisoner.
- Before Caiaphas, the High Priest. The chief priests and “all the council” searched for false witnesses, but couldn’t get them to agree. Again, the trial was held at night, at Caiaphas’s house and not in the council chamber, and the High Priest, who was supposed to act as judge, was far from impartial.
- Before the Sanhedrin. This was the “official” religious trial, and they decided He should be put to death. Though finally in daylight hours, it too was illegal. It was held on a feast day (Passover), Jesus had no representation, not all the members were present, and there wasn’t 24 hours between sentence and execution, with fasting
and prayer between.
- Before Pilate. This was the first of three civil trials. The charge here is changed from blasphemy, which Rome would not care about, to treason. The Jewish leaders could have executed him, but chose to let Rome crucify Him. Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king. Jesus told him His kingdom was not of this world. Pilate kept Jesus bound and arrested even though he found him innocent, then sent Jesus to Herod upon hearing He was a Galilean, since Herod was Tetrarch of that area.
- Before Herod. Herod only wanted to see a miracle, and when he didn’t, he mocked and beat Jesus, and sent Him back to Pilate. Herod never brought charges at all.
- Before Pilate a second time, who tries to release Him. Yet he sentences Him to death even though He admits he finds Him innocent.
The last “trial” is before the Jewish people. Pilate offers to release Jesus, but the people clamor for Barabas instead. Jesus is then led away and crucified, as Pilate caves to the political pressure of the Sanhedrin.
The original charge of blasphemy was changed to treason, which Pilate never finds Jesus guilty of. Jesus is executed for a crime he is never convicted of.