D is for Digging In

Carole TowrissResearch, Writing 1 Comment

RomanD-01There are two things that begin with D that I am very grateful for that I’ve already written about. One is diversity, and the other is Delta jets.

There are several other smaller D words I thankful for. One is denim. I love jeans; I hate dressing up. I don’t mind dresses or skirts, as long as they’re comfy. Comfort is paramount at this point in my life.

jeansAnother is deliverymen. I love shopping online. Now, I don’t have a shopping problem, and I don’t buy things I don’t need. But if I can spend two minutes clicking a few keys and have the nice man in the brown truck bring it to my door instead of schlepping all over town to find it, may I say, yay! I even paid for a year’s worth of grocery delivery. I figured the price was worth the gas for twenty-six trips to the store, not to mention my time.

D is also for digging in. This Sunday, I’ll be starting NaNoWriMo. If you don’t know what that is, NaNo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world try to complete a novel (50,000 words) in one month. Most are never published; only 250 have been traditionally published. Most do it for the challenge. There are no prizes except the feeling of accomplishment. Everyone who finishes “wins.”

To finish NaNo, a writer need to log 1666 words every single day. I usually struggle to get 1000. That’s because I research as I write, and I edit as I write. I’ll have to eliminate both of those habits next month to win. I’ve researched more than I ever have before starting, and though I consider myself a plotter, I’ve done more specific plotting, too.

I’ll be working on my fifth book. And as for the third and fourth, keep watching this site for some exciting news very soon.

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  1. Pingback: Digging in Dirt and Finding Worms | Flora Dwellings

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