Clusters of Promises

Carole TowrissThankful Alphabet 1 Comment

p transP is for peanut clusters. It’s an odd thing to be thankful for, nevertheless I am truly grateful for peanut clusters. I relish the combination of salt and sweet, crunchy and smooth, dark brown and light gold. I am aware one good-sized one has a day’s worth of delectable calories, so I don’t eat them often, but I do love them. When we go to Bethany Beach I always buy some at the Candy Kitchen. And usually eat way too many of them. They are my ultimate comfort food. (If I can manage to ignore the guilt.)

P is for promises. There are hundreds of promises in the Bible. I am not one who believes we can simply “claim” promises of wealth or health, but I do believe Jesus has promised many other things that we can cling to. Promises of His love, His presence, Hispeanut clusters strength.

25269762_sWhen we lost our first baby on Christmas Eve day, my world had crumbled. Though I had been a Christian my entire life, gone to a Christian college, had heard all the Bible stories, even taught Bible studies, I could not have told you anything that I believed, except Jesus lived. He lived and He was with me. His presence was all I had then. I clung to the promise that He would never leave me, never abandon me. That was all I had right then.

It was enough. It will always be enough.

What is your favorite promise?

Comments 1

  1. So thankful for his promises…my mother’s health has suddenly declined severely, requiring some decisions that she doesn’t want to acknowledge of make. She has just enough presence of mind to refuse to discuss or sign anything to do with durable power of attorney or living will, and insists she wants to be out on life support if it comes to that. As a health professional I am struggling to honor her decision, let alone deal with all of this as a daughter. And the sudden change in her mental status has been awful. Through this storm, I know Jesus walks with us. That is the only thing keeping me going.

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